学术咨询是一个过程,在这个过程中,学生和导师共同努力,为学生的大学经历设定个人目标. Whether the goal is to earn a degree, 证书, transfer to another institution, 或者只上几节课, the advisor will assist in developing a plan to achieve that goal.
Only Interested in a Couple Classes?
以非入学学生身份注册课程(未注册学位或证书课程). 注册为非录取学生是开始或完成转学课程的好方法. To see what classes are currently being offered at GBCC, check out the 安排页面 和 choose from the terms listed. 一旦你有了你想学的课程的想法,联系咨询和转学中心.
*金融援助 is not available to non-matriculated students
*For classes with a prerequisite, non-matriculated students must provide proof of the course prerequisite. This could include high school or college transcripts—or even testing.
过程 & 期待什么
Things to consider before registering for classes:
- 你什么时候有空上课:上午、下午、晚上还是在线?
- 你能分配多少时间去上课/完成作业?
- How soon do you want to graduate? The more classes you take each semester the sooner you will finish.
- Familiarize yourself with the list of required courses for your program. 查看大学目录
- 你的长期目标.
- 你是全日制(12学分以上)还是兼职(12学分以下)学生?
- 根据您的可用性和位置适当的第一学期课程.
- Various class formats such as in-person, remote, hyflex or 100% online.
- Student expectations in online courses 和/or remote courses
- 如何 购买/租书 对于你的课程.
- Your advisor for future semesters.
- 新生迎新.
咨询预约的第一部分是学生和指导老师之间的一对一会面. 咨询预约的这一部分是学生对他们的未来做出决定的第一次机会.
欢迎家长/监护人与学生一起参加咨询预约的第二部分-一站式. 一站式服务将详细介绍付款期限,经济援助,并回答任何其他问题.
Family Educational Right to Privacy
Once someone becomes a college student, 他们的学术隐私权受到家庭教育隐私权法案(FERPA)的保护。. 这限制了外部访问学生的学习成绩和信息. 学生必须签署一份 FERPA释放 granting access to all third parties, including parents.
Differences Between 高中 & 大学
在高中时 | 在大学 |
Time is structured by school officials 和 parents. | Students manage their own time. |
学生可以指望老师提醒他们的责任,并指导他们确定优先事项. | Students balance responsibilities 和 set priorities on their own. |
Daily classes follow one after the other with a few minutes in between. | Students often have large time gaps between classes; class time varies from day to day. |
Most class schedules are arranged by school personnel. | 学生与他们的学术顾问或顾问协商安排自己的时间表. |
Students are told about graduation requirements. | Graduation requirements are complex, differ from program to program 和, 有时, 年复一年. Each student is expected to know those that apply to him/her. |
底线: School personnel watch out for students – guiding 和 correcting them if necessary. | 底线: Students are expected to take responsibility for what they do 和 don’t do as well as for the consequences of their decisions. |
高中班级 | 大学课程 |
通常情况下,学生每周只需学习0到2个小时的课外时间就可以应付, 也许, 考试前死记硬背. | 学生在课堂上每学习一小时,至少需要在课外学习2 - 3小时. 12个学分的课程需要24到36个小时的独立学习/作业时间. |
Reading is often re-taught in class; listening in class is 有时 enough. | 学生被分配了大量的阅读和写作,这些可能不会在课堂上直接解决, 但还是会在考试中出现. |
Students can remain in school despite poor academic performance. | 学生可能因为学习成绩差而被大学开除. |
底线学生们通常在课堂上被告知他们需要从指定的阅读材料中学到什么. | 底线: It’s up to the students to read 和 underst和 the assigned material; lectures 和 assignments proceed from the assumption the students have already done so. |
高中教师 | 大学教授 |
Teachers check completed homework. | Professors may not always check completed homework, but they will assume the students can perform the same tasks on tests. |
Teachers remind students of incomplete work. | 教授期望并希望学生参加他们安排的办公时间. |
Teachers provide students with information in case of an absence. | 教授希望学生能从同学那里得到缺课的笔记. |
教师呈现材料是为了帮助学生理解教科书中的材料. | Professors may not follow the textbook. 而不是, they may use other materials to supplement the text, 或者他们可能希望学生将课堂与课本阅读联系起来. |
Teachers often write information on the board as a summary of notes. | 教授可能会不停地讲课,希望学生在笔记中找出要点. 好的笔记是必须的. |
教师传授知识和事实,有时会建立直接联系,引导学生通过思考过程. | 教授希望学生能够独立思考和综合看似不相关的话题. |
Teachers often take time to remind students of assignments 和 due dates. | Professors expect students to read, 保存, 和 consult the course syllabus (outline); the syllabus spells out exactly what is expected of the student, 当作业到期时, 和 how they will be graded. |
底线: In high school, students mostly acquire facts 和技能. | 底线: In college, students are responsible for thinking through 和 applying what they have learned. |
高中考试 | 大学考试 |
Testing tends to be frequent 和 covers small amounts of material. | 测试通常不频繁,可能是累积的,覆盖大量的材料. 需要组织材料准备考试的是学生,而不是教授. A particular course may have only two or three tests in a semester. |
Makeup tests are often available. | Makeup tests are seldom an option; if they are, the student needs to request them. |
老师们愿意重新安排考试日期,以避免与学校活动发生冲突. | 不同课程的教授通常不考虑其他课程或课外活动的要求来安排考试. |
Review sessions pointing out the most important concepts are common. | Professors rarely offer review sessions, 和, 当他们这么做的时候, they expect the students to come prepared with questions. |
底线: Mastery can be seen as the ability to reproduce what students are taught. | 底线: Mastery is often seen as the ability to apply what the student has learned to new situations or to solve new kinds of problems. |
高中成绩 | 大学成绩 |
Grades were given for most assigned work. | Grades may not be provided for all assigned work. |
Extra credit projects are often available to help raise your grade. | 一般来说,额外的学分项目不能用来提高大学课程的成绩. |
学生只要通过所有必修课程,成绩达到D或更高,就可以毕业. | 学生只有在班级平均成绩达到目录中规定的院系标准时才能毕业. |
底线:努力很重要.课程通常是 structured to reward a “good-faith effort.” | 底线结果很重要.尽管“善意的努力”在教授帮助学生取得好成绩的意愿方面很重要, it will not substitute for results in the grading process. |
高中 is m和atory 和 usually free. | 大学 courses are paid for by scholarship, loans, 和/or out-of-pocket. |
Although student absences are recorded, students are not subject to penalty for missing too many classes. | Each faculty member has an attendance policy. 违反出勤规定的学生可能会被退课. |
Students may add or drop classes within a specific period of time. | Students may add or drop classes within a specific period of time. This timeframe includes a small window in which to receive a full refund. After that, the student is responsible for the cost of the course. |
底线: Students have no financial responsibility for the changes made to course schedules. | 底线: Not paying attention to attendance policies or add/drop dates can be an expensive lesson. |
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